Dec 1, 2011

Dealing with difficult people T___T

It is a basic fact of life that, you cannot get along with everyone

I rarely talk about people. Ah this time is an exception. Thinking of some space to express my feelings out, so here I am. Recently, made friends with someone (s) who are a big show off.. Dengggg stress!

Most of the time, their conversation centered around their knowledge about fashion are the best.. Well, they only wear high standard clothes. (At least, that 's what I heard from them), how big amount of money they spend only for shopping, and even how terror they were inspite of they not having good exam result.. If I want to pick up a fight, of course I can argue with them but there 's no point.. There 's nothing that I can get.. Even, not talking to them is not an option. As much as I would like to run away, I 'll often need to work with them.

Basically, whatever conversation I pick up with them, the conversation always steers away to how cool they are.. And me ? -Have nothing to share. huhu

Nov 24, 2011

Sincerity is a mystery between God and a servant.

Saat dilanda ujian, kita teriak kecewa
Tatkala dihimpit cubaan, kita meratap kesedihan

Apabila hati kita dibina dengan benteng kesabaran, dikelilingi senjata redha, dan sistem pertahanan berupa doa yang tak putus-putus, nescaya ia sukar untuk diroboh. Saat itu, Allah SWT pasti akan menurunkan pertolonganNya yang berupa kekuatan menyinari dalamannya dan memberikan ganjaran berlipat kali ganda atas kesabaran yang menghiasi diri hambaNya.


Hai hao! It has been a while kan. Aaah.. feels good to return back writing, a nice place where I can confess all my feelings. A bit rusty -___-" (This entry had been in the draft for quite some time. Not having enough strength to post it before this, for some cannot- be- avoid reasons. huhu).

Can't deny, failure is painful

Everyone hates it. It 's very negative and to me it sounds quite final. Well, have no experience in this kind of situation (Yes, this is the biggest problem, I have never suffered in such life events), of course I may think it 'll kill me.. and it may feel like it almost will.. just after it happened. But, trust me actually it won’t. Instead it makes us stronger. In the end of the process, we know that this is life cycle.. All we need is redha, dan ikhlas juga. :)

All in all, yes it is good to be back again!

Sep 22, 2011

#Salam Syawal

We encounter thousands of people, who have the ability to change our perspective of life

Well, I never got to understand the complete story of my Tok Ayah, the hardships that he faced during his young-hood, in the mean time trying to raise a large family. However, I remember a nice man that loved to laugh.. Tok Ayah.. :) Being as one of the closest person to him, make me realized that though he was gone physically, he would never spiritually gone. Still remain in my heart, and the past memories of him would always stay with us. -Even though nobody lives forever, their legacy will always remain. Al- Fatihah

The last picture, eid- ul adha 1431 H


Kita semua hebat kerana hati terpanggil untuk menghulurkan sesuatu buat insan yang kita sayang

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu menghilangkan pahala sedekahmu dengan menyebut-nyebutnya dan menyakiti (perasaan si penerima), seperti orang yang menafkahkan hartanya kerana riya' kepada manusia, dan dia tidak beriman kepada Allah dan hari Kemudian. Maka perumpamaan orang itu seperti batu licin yang di atasnya ada tanah, kemudian batu itu ditimpa hujan lebat, lalu jadilah dia bersih (tidak bertanah). Mereka tidak menguasai sesuatu pun dari apa yang mereka usahakan, dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang kafir. (Al- Baqarah, 262-264) #Subhanallah

Aug 25, 2011

Losing effective-ness

How many times were you at home, bored out of your mind, and at the same time feeling sleepy?

Sleepiness is on many occasions associated with boredom. And this is why people lose effectiveness. No matter how fun something is, do it long enough and you’ll get bored. The best way to avoid it is to break the routine. -Copied this from one website on the internet, so truuueee! When was the last time you tried something new ?

It has been a while, yes seriously. As long as I can remember, I do not like to try new food (prefer to eat what I already know I like) -Admit, I found myself happy doing all the same things day after day, but out of a sudden, I realised, sampai bila ? Hihi. No matter how fun something is, do it long enough and you 'll get bored. Can't deny, can't deny anymore.


Well, actually I am not afraid to try something new. In fact, I 'm often eager. I just tried baking, cooking something easy, even sewing and doing crochet (These two parts, are the most difficult. Half way- doing. Haha). Of course, trying new things require a lot of courage (I am not into all these things before. huhu). The spirit to try new things is synonymous to the spirit of self- improvement. -Dr. Lickerman. So so, what are you waiting for ? Let's live the life to the fullest everyone. Have fun! :)

Aug 4, 2011

Stick with your gut feelings

Bulan Ramadhan, bulan yang didalamnya diturunkan Al-Qur'an sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeda (antara yang haq dengan yang bathil ), karena itu barangsiapa diantara kamu menyaksikan (masuknya bulan ini ), maka hendaklah ia puasa... -Al-Baqarah : 185

You may live to meet other people’s expectations without ever finding what matters to you. At the end, you just live someone else’s life without ever living yours. (Scary)

Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice. This is what he always told me. Ya, have thought about all these things that happened, and of course, I don’t want to be the person that walks away and regrets it for the rest of my life. Maybe this is not the best thing that I should do, but I think this is the right thing to be done right now. Need to clear off the original plan from the mind. And yes! I 'm ready to open it for the new possibilities. May all our duas be accepted, Happy Ramadhan kareem everyone ! :)

Jul 27, 2011

Fulfilling the life.

Gratitude is the best attitude -unknown

So, July 'll be ended, soon. Alhamdulillah, the should- do - things on the list have been done. I finished my Mandarin course and passed the basic test. Also done with the black belt grading and surprisingly managed to break all the blocks! The most important, khatam al Quran untuk yang ke berapa kali nya. Ya, sungguh ini yang paling susah. Cubaannya melampau. Alahai dugaan dugaan.

Do you struggle with being able to follow your heart and instincts?

Well, I have no words to really talk about this. But, er okay just imagine the situation. There is something you have always wanted to do and out of a sudden, you are given a chance to do that thing (It is not your first choice, actually). Now, you are stuck. You don’t know if you should go for it or not. What should you do ? -'ll catch y' all later, till then t care

Jul 4, 2011

Wal- Asr, demi masa

Demi masa! Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang percaya, dan membuat kerja-kerja kebaikan, dan saling berwasiat pada yang benar, dan saling berwasiat untuk bersabar. (103:1-3)

Already 12 30 in the mid night and I have yet to sleep, wow! (Selalu tak sempat pukul dua belas dah pengsan. Hihi). Well, it has been a while since the last entry. Being busy with daily routines and yes, blame the lazy me!

Regarding about the previous entry, the last entry in March I think.. I did mention that I have prepared something, just like a check list, that may be I can do (suppose to be, should do) this holiday. Time flies, huh. Insya Allah Insya Allah, everything will be done in this month. I hope so, since the dateline is before August, or to be appropriate before fasting month. I am trying very hard now since this first week of July has been wasted because of some could-not-avoided reasons. Doa- doakan lah, mudahan selesai semuanya.


I am not very good at this politic thingy. And I hardly write about all these eww eww but I think this topic had gone out of hand, seriously. Hoping that all these problems will resolve as soon as possible. Reading so many senseless and unlogical reports, haiyyaahh! Communism ? No way! Till then, have a nice day ahead everyone :)

Jun 1, 2011

Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Bila anda ingin mengetahui nikmat Allah ke atas diri anda, maka pejam lah kedua mata anda

A great life doesn't happen by co- incedence. Living a wonderful life is easy, and it is never too late to start. Just take life as simple pleasures and save as much as you can. Expensive things don’t create lasting happiness. Stop worrying and start living! Bersyukur lah dengan apa yang ada, jangan terlalu mengasihi dunia. -Ya, ini pesan buat anda, lebih lagi untuk diri sendiri.


There’s a purpose to life’s events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard

It is not easy to be patient. Learning how to be patient can be plain hard for some people ( Yes, it is hard. If only it is simple. Haih ). No matter where we go in life, there will be times when an extra patience is required. He is very good at this part, how could he ?

Orang yang bertolak- ansur lebih dekat dengan keredhaan jiwa, tenang hati nurani, dan bebas dari kesedihan sebagaimana dia lebih dekat dengan hati manusia dan lebih layak mendapatkan cinta mereka. Pintu kejayaan yang terbuka di hadapannya juga lebih banyak daripada orang yang dirinya terlibat dengan konflik. -Jangan Bersedih, Jadi lah Wanita yang Paling Bahagia

May 18, 2011

You should never lose hope

A dream needs more than a wish

Do you have a dream waiting for someday ? I have one, er two, or maybe three four and five! I have multi dreams. Well, have talked about this topic once. What are my dreams? -For now at least, let it be my secret. (And still, let it be my secret). Scroll to the older posts in order to rest the rest of the entry. Well, if there is magic, sure it might would be easier. Ohh and, I read this quote on the internet, a dreamcatcher always loves its dreams. Even the nightmares, they teach us about beauty.

So, to be conclude, let 's hold our dream! Our hope! Wake up in the morning telling ourself what it is. Yes, knowing that some people seem to have all the good lucks in life, we seem to work as harder as them, but they get all the wonderful things in life. Kita harus tahu, kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari, Dia datangkan hujan petir. Kita bersedih dan tertanya- tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, rupa-rupanya Allah menghadiahi kita pelangi yang indah.

Semua ucapan, fikiran, desiran daun dan segala gerak-geri makhluk tak luput dari jangkauan Nya, semua terdengar dengan jelas meski terkadang ada yang menyembunyikan

Dan hanya kepada Allah hendaknya kamu bertawakkal, jika kamu benar-benar orang yang beriman (Al-Maidah[5]:23). Kami mohon kecukupan, yang tak sampai kami terpaksa meminta jasa orang lain. Dan jangan Engkau membiarkan nasib kami ditentukan kami sendiri. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah syukur ya Allah, Sungguh Engkau maha mendengar! :)

Apr 7, 2011

Your feelings don't have to control you

Only us know what we feel right now

Life gives us plenty reasons to get angry, sad, scared, and even frustrated. But, somehow we can feel that our emotions are taking over. Preventing us to live a happier life. Well, final result last semester is going to be announced in less than one week time. The examination is a major one, that determines which college and course I can enroll in. Aigoo

When I am in a relationship, I won’t feel lonely no more

Of course, this thing can distract us, but momentarily. We need to understand that only us can change what we feel right now. Our feelings remain with us until we express them. We cannot control our emotions, but may be we can learn how to be with them. Have a nice weekend everyone! :)

Mar 27, 2011

You are on the top of my to do list

Hello hello everyone, sorry for the lack of update. It is holiday season! Aah a long weekend ahead and yeah, the perfect time to meet up some old friends and family. For many reasons, many of us find ourselves alone for this holiday. Yea, not all of us are having semester break. In fact, only the UiTM foundation students (One-year programme) are enjoying their holidays. Hihi.

Er. The holidays can be very boring, even for those of us who are usually okay being on our own. Kan? But, actually there are a lot of things that we can do during this long weekend, in order to make the holiday less lonely when we are alone. As for me, I have prepared something, just like a check list, that may be I can do (suppose to be, should do) this holiday. But, until today, only one had been done. Haha. Teruk kan? -___-


Things that is meant to be, of course 'll be

For new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health, food, for love and friends,
For everything, say thank you, thank you

Kehidupan ini hanya lah sesuap nasi dan seteguk air. Ada pun selebihnya adalah suatu kelebihan yang tidak terlalu diperlukan. Justeru, nikmati lah apa yang anda miliki saat ini. Dan, bersyukur lah. Untuk setiap anugerah yang diberikan.

Mar 22, 2011

Home, is where you can say anything you please :)

There is nothing so pleasant as coming home again

Hello! Now, I am in Kelantan, home sweet home - a place which is definitely a lot more than just a roof, windows, and door since yesterday. Well, just finished my foundation programme (Alhamdulillah, finally), and going to have a long long holiday, at least until to the end of August, before pursuing my degree. Yaww! :)


Teringat di saat kita tertawa bersama
Ceritakan semua tentang kita

Er. I am missing my friends there. My housemates, classmates, and everyone. How I miss our time making prank to each other. Haha! And, yes! The model is included in the category of the person that I miss the most too. Hihi

Feb 22, 2011

I want you to know that I am trying

Too many pressures demand on me

The major source of stress has come. Tough exam tests, pop quiz(es), and group presentation are a few of other challenges that us encounter during the final weeks, which leading up to finals. Haih, one thing that I know is I am not alone. Everyone experiences the stress at this time. Nasib lah labu.

Sometimes, simply talk out loud can be a powerful method to cope with the stress. And, I am typing this short entry to tell everyone that I am under pressure, and to let you know that I am trying. I 'm trying to survive until the end knot. Yeaaa, I know, no solutions are created. But, at least, I am feeling better right now. :)

Anyone, feels the same thing right now? Swirl your hand everyone! Hihi (Penangan Kak Limah tak habis- habis. haha)

Feb 18, 2011

A Walk To Remember

Jamie: You have to promise you won't fall in love with me.
Landon: That's not a problem.

search: google

Those who may be different from us can be the most wonderful people to know

This is a 2002 movie. I have seen this movie once and I am obsessed with Jamie and Landon! In fact, I am watching it right now. :) It is a beautiful and heart warming story that will sure to leave you crying at the end.

Landon, the hot bad boy spends most of his time partying with his friends. Jamie helps him to transform from a selfish to a young matured adult. He learns about love and faith and how to forgive, while his love blossoms for Jamie (How I wish to be the Jamie too!). In the end of the story, Landon realizes what love is and what it really means to love another.

The time and tears spent on this movie was well worth! :)


"I wish you could do this, I wish you could do that"

Some people don't want to change,
some people might have something they can't change.

You can’t change someone else, but you can change yourself. The more you give, the more you are likely to receive. Relationships take a lot of work. Giving your partner the things you wish he gives you may can inspire him to give back to you. Treat people the way you would like people to treat you, then you 'll really enjoy the life!

Feb 12, 2011

You are worthy of respect :)

I have a normal life. I go away for weekend

Was craving for the pizza since last few days. Yeay! A treat by a friend today at Sunway Pyramid. Seeking for perfume at the Elianto. Unfortunately, out of the stock. Haihh ( Save you, money! ). But, managed to grab a pair of shoes at Cotton On too. Double yeay! Yeay!

Relationships last, when both partners have respect for one another

You deserve to be respected
You deserve to be appreciated
You can love him and appreciate him but don't make him feels that he is too superb. Know that you are true worth. If he is not serious with his commitment, then there is no way that you also going to take him seriously.

Have a nice weekend everyone! :)

Feb 10, 2011

Another year of fun and laughter

Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be
When our time has come, we will be as one

The whole story of this prank, click

What are you going to do? When someone :

  • take your locker key
  • spoil your neat and tidy locker
  • put toothpaste at the door of your locker
  • hide your toiletries set, and even your towel
  • write "happy birthday" on bed spread using toothpaste
  • you are on your bed, someone come and splash you with water
  • asked you to mop all over the house, to get back your towel and locker key

My respond: I cried, a lot! :) ( Haih. Ini lah nasib bila punya kawan- kawan yang nakalnya melampau- lampau. Haha ) Alhamdulillah, managed to get back both of the two important things last night (towel and locker key). Haih. Wa kena beb!

I would like to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who showered me with love (tepung, telur, dan dua baldi air pun dikira love juga! :D), card, cash (How I wish everyday is my birthday. Haha), a birthday treat, calls, and even via Facebook. It is really made my day a lot brighter to see the kind words, heartfelt comments, and birthday wishes from old friends and colleagues. Thanks everyone! :)

Umur bertambah, usia berkurang
Dari tahun ke tahun, umur terus berlari

“Sebaik manusia adalah yang diberi umur panjang dan diisi dengan amal.”

Saya ingin menjadi orang yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Berharap untuk menjadi lebih bermanfaat, bagi diri sendiri mahupun orang lain. Semoga setiap kehadiran saya mampu memberi nilai dan impak positif kepada masyarakat sekeliling. :)

Feb 9, 2011

Enjoy-ing bus trip? Huh

Last Monday, I went back to my campus by bus. Generally, I hate long journey. There is nothing much that I can do. Plus, stucked in traffic and not going anywhere, increases my anxiety levels. Huh

Travelling in a long journey, you are advised to find a friend to go along with you. Rather than be frustrated, you can turn the time into productive way, do have a good conversation with the one who you travelling with, so, you don't feel it is a lost time ( Haha. in my case, he sleeps as good as he sleeps on the bed. Haih ).

Safely arrived after about eleven hours journey. Literally exhausted *phew*

Search: google

Selamat sampai ke denstinasi dituju, terima kasih Pak Sani! :)

Jan 30, 2011

May Allah save our citizens there.

The 11,319 Malaysian students in Egypt are safe -says Ministry.

Mesir terus gelora
Tak berhenti bergolak

The biggest news on people’s minds now is the pro-democracy demonstrations which have been carried out in major street in Egypt, including Cairo, Alexandria, and Mansoora. All the demonstrations were carried out in order to urge on their President Mubarak to step down. Until today, almost 70 people were murdered and 2000 people were injured.

ÙŠَاحَÙŠُّ ÙŠَا Ù‚َÙŠُّÙˆْÙ…ُ بِرَØ­ْÙ…َتِÙƒَ Ø£َسْتَغِÙŠْØ«ُ

Wahai Dzat yang Maha Kekal dan selalu mengurus makhluqNya dengan rohmatMu kami mohon pertolongan. -(HR At Turmidzy no.3446)


Salam Ariff, saya Nadia, a student in Egypt.

Ariff, kini saya berada di Malaysia kerana pulang untuk winter break, but when I got home, the condition in Egypt somehow got worse about the Hosni Mubarak thingy. Ramai yang sangka keadaan kat sana adalah okay, mengikut kata Jabatan Penuntut Kaherah Mesir dan Kedutaan Malaysia di sana, but there are parts that they don’t know:

Di tempat saya Mansoura, people got killed on the streets, houses are getting robbed and they are aiming to attack Malaysian students. There are about 6000 prisoners on the streets! Pelajar kita di Alexandria dirogol, airport dibakar dan anggota polis tidak lagi menjalankan tugas mereka.

Kita memohon supaya kerajaan Malaysia memandang serius hal ini. Bukan sahaja di Mansoura, malah di seluruh Mesir keselamatan rakyat kita terancam. Segala update berkenaan keadaan di sana boleh dibaca melalui blog Krisis Mesir,

Jika ada cadangan di luar sana untuk membantu kami mendapatkan perhatian kerajaan Malaysia, sila hubungi Nurul Nadia Binti Md Zin di 017-3193923
Atau melalui:
Nuvul Nadiva Dizavch

Please let all Malaysians know about this. I will do the same but I need your help too especially to all the bloggers out there. May Allah save our citizens there.
- Nadia
So what can you do now?

1. Kalau ada Twitter, retweet this. Aku sengaja mention @NajibRazak dalam tajuk entri supaya everytime orang retweet, akan automatically mention nama dia. Click the retweet button. Lagi banyak, lagi bagus. It show’s that things are really serious there and we care.

2. Reblog this. Copy paste dan post dalam blog. Time ni memang aku galakkan sangat-sangat untuk korang copy paste.

3. Share this on Facebook.

Jan 27, 2011

Friendship can survive without love.

I have many friends. I had been in love with my friend, and had friends that I wished I could love, but can't. (Haha!)

In today’s world, friendship is the best of all relationships in the universe.

Friends are here to allow us to be human, accept, and care about us. But, at one point, love and friendship seem to cooperate all the time.

Friendship can lead to love,
but love never ends in friendship.

Yes, most friendships do end up in love situations. Sometimes, things work out. Well, as for me also, prefer to start everything out with friendship instead of moving right into ______ side, so that, we will have more time to get to know each other and things will work out better in the future!

Best thing about friendship?

You can't get divorced from a friend. Haha! Kan?

Well, my idea of a good friend is still the person who gives me the better of the two choices, thinks of me at times when I not there, reminds me of what I have forgotten, helps me to deal with pressure from others, most important helps me to become a better person. :) :)

Jan 19, 2011

Taare Zamen Par, Stars On The Ground

Every children has their unique skills, capabilities, and dreams

Search: google
( Style kan rambut Aamir Khan. Ahah

Taare Zameen Par is not just a hindustan movie, it is entertaining. I can't control my tears, cried all the way watching this movie ( Mia too! Haha ) :)

This movie is all about Ishaan whose world is filled with wonders. No one seems to appreciate him. Adults are more interested in serious things like homework and marks. He just cannot get anything right in class. He is packed off to a boarding school as his parents think that they can't handle him anymore. Things are no different. In fact, he experienced trauma of separation from his family.

Don't send me to places which is very far away
A place where you can't even remember me

You know everything, my Ma

Oh by the way, you don’t get to see Aamir in the first half. Aamir arrives in the last scene. Now there are reasons to smile. It is very interesting to see how Aamir tried to help the little boy. I love the song that plays when Ishaan's parents left him. It is very emotional. Haih. Do yourselves a favour, watch this movie everyone!

Jan 16, 2011

Gulliver's Travels

Randomly picked a movie today. Gulliver's Travels. It is all about a wannabe writer who takes an assignment in Bermuda in order to impress his boss but ends up on an island where he meets the tiny citizen. Well, the movie was part silly. But yea, entirely interesting. Solid fun!

Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world is watching

Oh, everyone has different ideas of what is normal when wandering about in public places. Haih. As the case last morning, just started the movie, the drama behind too follow the flow. Aah. So how? Be considerate of them? Give people their personal space? O okey. I know, but why in here? Is this the way to behave in public places? Get a room please.

Make sure that your happiness is not disturbing other's happiness
. Hey people, try to avoid being in annoying ways. Er. Can you please try to behave at least, as if your mother are watching?

Jan 9, 2011

Phone call.

Most people tend to texting rather than calling.
As for me, phone call is still the most important. Signifying there are people who cares for you. Questions like "Long time no see, how are you? How's study? Is there any progression?" are simply enough to make you grinned all day long! :)

Oh, how often do you talk to your parents? On the phone?

Once per day?
Perhaps, per week?

It 's the other way round with me. I call them everyday. Until they get annoyed sometimes. Haha! I have grown to love talking with them. - Call them and take their calls when they call you. Respect their desire to know what's going on with you. Appreciate them.

How about your friends? Best friend?

For people who are content with just texting, keep it at that. But if you would like to call and talk to them, just call them yourself. I am very sure that they they will glad to receive your call. Have to be understood, they cannot call you everyday. But most days, a good night call or thinking of you text will be much more appreciated.

Feel blessed with your relationships, everyone!


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