Mid- semester's break, finally. Yeay! I 've just come back from Shah Alam yesterday for Majlis Watikah Pelantikan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar sesi 13/14. Alhamdulilah, it was an honor to receive the official certificate from Tan Sri VC himself. I know this statement is cliche, but it happens to be true! ;)
In the hectic life style that I have these days, sparing time with friends is turning out to be much harder that I can imagine (Especially when we all are busy). I know that spending time with each other is very crucial for a happy friendship. As for the case of my super best friend, he seems so busy too. Busier than me! That 's why we suit each other (for now), I guess. haha. Whatever it is, no matter how busy we are, I 'm really hoping that we both 'll try to make effort to keep in touch. ;D
“Tiada iman pada orang yang tidak menunaikan amanah; dan tiada agama pada orang yang tidak menunaikan janji.” (Ahmad dan Ibnu Hibban)
Amanah itu tuntutan iman. Dan Allah swt. berfirman: “Sesungguhnya Kami menawarkan amanah kepada langit, bumi, dan gunung-gunung. Namun mereka menolak dan khawatir untuk memikulnya. Dan dipikullah amanah itu oleh manusia. Sesungguhnya manusia itu amat zhalim lagi amat bodoh.” -Al-Ahzab, 72.