Mar 25, 2010

Nilai diri ini.

Hargailah sesuatu sesuai dengan harganya.

Jika kecintaan seseorang yang jatuh hati kepada Laila dan Salma mampu merampas hati dan akalnya.. Maka apa akan dilakukan oleh seseorang yang mendalam rasa rindunya kepada Yang Maha Tinggi? -La Tahzan :)

Mar 22, 2010

How Starbucks Saved My Life

Story of a Man who had it all,
then lost it all,and found it again

Though I'm not even a coffee drinker, much less a Starbucks frequenter, I've chosen to read this book. From the moment he was born, Michael Gates Gill led a privileged life. His parents were well-off, and nothing was too expensive for their son.

He studied at Yale and, upon his graduation, walked straight into a job with a major advertising firm. He worked hard with the firm, doing everything he could for the company and his clients - he earned well, but often allowed his family life to suffer.

Naturally, after twenty-five dedicated years with the company, he was fired. Gill hasn't worked in months and he's sitting in a Starbucks near his childhood home, nursing a latte. In a massive stroke of luck, that branch of Starbucks is throwing an open house.


Work, no matter what it is, is what you make it

While I'm not a big fan of Starbucks coffee, I found this book a delightful read. I enjoyed reading about Gates' journey from an upper job, his decline, and how he found happiness in menial tasks like scrubbing toilets, talking to customers, and working a Starbucks bar. The book conveys a message he learned from his eldest daughter Bis about work being dignity.

Mar 4, 2010

Qadha' dan qadar Allah, saya terima seadanya.

Tidak ada sesuatu kesusahan (atau bala bencana) yang ditimpakan di bumi, dan tidak juga yang menimpa diri kamu, melainkan telah sedia ada di dalam Kitab (pengetahuan kami) sebelum kami menjadikannya.. (Al- Hadid:22)

Jangan anda merasa gundah dan bersedih dikeranakan sesuatu penyakit, kematian yang semakin dekat, atau kerugian harta. Sesungguhnya merupakan sesuatu yang telah Allah takdirkan dan semua yang telah menjadi takdir Allah pasti terjadi. Kita tidak mempunyai pilihan lain, sebaliknya menerima takdir itu, kerana Allah lah yang berhak menentukan. -La Tahzan, Dr. Aidh bin Abdullah Al- Qarni

Tujuh hari lagi.
Er. Sebelas Mac 2010

Ya, sesungguhnya seminggu terakhir yang sangat memedihkan.
Saya tahu, qadha Allah pasti akan terjadi, tidak kira buat yang menolak mahupun yang menerima.

Dalam masa yang sama,
Saya juga yakin dengan janji Allah.

...berdoa lah kepada kepadaKu, nescaya doa kalian akan Aku perkenankan (AL- Mu'min:60)

Ya Allah, saya sepenuh hati menyerahkan semua hal kepada takdirmu. Mudahannya jiwa saya tenang menjalani semua yang memang harus saya tempuh. Sekiranya terjadi sesuatu yang tidak saya mahukan, itu adalah ketentuan yang perlu diterima hati. :)

Siapa menanam, dia akan menuai. Dengan izinNya, Amin.

Mar 2, 2010

Where Rainbows End

For the third time, I read this book and.. Love it, love it, love it! I love this book! It my favourite book from Cecelia, Its written in the unusual form of emails, IM's and letters. I read the whole book in one sitting. I cried with laughter during different parts of the book.

I love Rosie Dunne, and in turn, Alex, too. To like this novel you have got to like both of the main characters as they are featured the heaviest, writing notes and emails and things to each other. I couldn't help feeling for the pair of them and hoping that, for once, fate would allow them to be together. What can I say is Where Rainbows End is the ultimate love story.

Mar 1, 2010

As promised, the happiness projects ;)

Beauty is power, a smile is its sword.

Whoever is happy will make others happy, too

That is happiness, to be dissolved into something completely great! :)

Ohh. Thanks friends. What can I say is ALLAH makes lots of people in all colors, shapes, and sizes. He loves them very much. Instead, we need to look on them in love and sing this song: I can be your friend. I can be your friend. Any day in any weather. We can be friends and play together.. :)

People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. - L P Smith

Received this book from Umi on my 18th birthday last February. I do have to say, this was a sweet and surprisingly heartwarming book. I certainly wasn't expecting it to be a ghost story!

In Twenties Girl, Lara Lington attends the funeral of her 105-year-old great-aunt, Sadie Lancaster, whom she never knew. Then all of a sudden, Sadie's ghost, at the age of 23-years-old, appears to Lara. Lara is the only one who can hear or see Sadie. Sadie begs Lara to stop the funeral and to help her find her dragonfly necklace.

I thought there were some funny moments between Lara and Sadie. My favourite moment was when Sadie dressed Lara for her date. Check this one out! It might not be the Shopaholic series or Can You Keep a Secret. But definitely read it and let me know what you think. I think this is one of those books that some will love and some will not love but like. You won't hate it, that's for sure! :)


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