Nov 27, 2010

It is not a big thing if you leave me now

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

Yes, I'm lying. The loss of relationship can bring on heartache. It can be rough, no matter what, no one really wants to go through them. How can I let go, someone that I love?

I don't know how to speak for anyone but myself.

I know that somewhere in the future everyone will leave. The thing is that I can't imagine the world without the person that I love. I realize how much it'll hurt when they are gone. I just started to think how much I would hurt and how meaningless my life would be without them.

Nikmat, dugaan Allah.
Satu ujian, satu anugerah.

Ujian mendatang selalunya menjadikan diri kita lebih tegar. Masakan tidak, ia mengajar kita untuk menjadi lebih lasak dalam menggalas setiap beban kehidupan. Andai tidak mampu bertahan pada ujian yang awal, mungkin sahaja, peringkat seterusnya kita rebah.

Lain manusia, lain yang ditanggungnya.

Nov 23, 2010

Gadis - gadis Kota Riyadh

Aku menulis tentang gadis- gadis temanku. Setiap orang ada cerita sendiri, bandingkan ceritanya dengan ceritaku

Little children headache; big children, heartache

This novel is interesting, thanks Mia!

Raja Alsanea did a great job writing the book. This novel is about four girls from the origin of Saudi Arabia who lives in the upscale city of Riyadh. They are bound by family, tradition and culture in determining the spouse. In matters of love and marriage, the family has a power to determine their respective partner. Rails lines of ethnicity and family history are the major factors in determining a mate for their children.

Bila ada yang mahukan kita, jiwa kita menolaknya
Bila pula kita mahukan seseorang, takdir menolaknya dari kita

The plot is developed further by telling the stories of romantic disappointment girls named Lamees, Sadeem, Gamrah and Michelle. The story of forbidden love, love without parental consent, marriage and divorce a month after the various conflicts are successfully explored by Raja Alsanea. The ending is not a happy ending but at least, it is the best thing happen to the four main characters in the novel. :)

What's wrong with teenagers today?

After reading this novel, I asked myself with the question above. It's so sad how quickly youngsters are growing up these days. In the mean time, scary! I wonder how the lives of my children will be one day, how fast will they grow up? *risau*

Nov 8, 2010

Your feelings don't have to control you

I feel so frustrated! Why did this have to happen? I 've said all these things many times, out loud or in my mind. I won't allow all these feelings to control me. Move on.

Ya Allah jangan kau coba aku
Melebihi batas mampu dan sanggupku

Bangunlah, jika Dia menghendaki kamu berdiri,dan duduklah jika Dia menghendaki anda duduk! Bersabarlah ketika Allah menjadikan anda seorang yang fakir. -La Tahzan

Umpama mimpi, itu lah perasaan kecewa yang dihadapi. Kurang berasas, tidak bertapak. Lumrah hidup, didatangi dengan segala macam jenis rasa. Gembira, sedih dan kecewa. Andai hidup gembira sentiasa, tiada manisnya gembira itu. Sekarang masa untuk mencari, mengumpul semula semangat yang hilang.

Kesedihan ini bukan dicari. Lagi bukan yang diharapkan. Masalah hari ini sudah ditetapkan 50 ribu tahun lama dahulu. Jelas, rezeki hari ini ditangguh. Ketetapan Nya pasti datang nanti. Oh ya, ini kisah manusia tertekan yang sedang menanti belaian kasih penciptanya.


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