May 28, 2010

My very first week at college.

Adjusting to college life.
Wow! The first week of college was a breeze. :)

From the room.

Now, I have a roomate to be considerate of. Hee.
Meet my roomate everyone, Munirah Nor Akmal. Yay! ;)

Having to move away far from family is going to take some time to get used to. Waking myself up everyday will be a chore in itself. I'll decide if I should go for an outing without my parents having the final verdict. I have to learn how to manage my own time and money. At the end of the day, college is all of what I make it.

The distance between Puncak Alam and Kota Bharu is greater than what I thought. Well, I find myself calling home and cherishing every conversation I have with family more and more. I send them sms(s) when they do not answer my phone. Sometimes, call to check on my siblings. I miss my parents the most. Being homesickness has really set in. Sigh*

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